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mashed in maryland 11:23 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Manuel 3:20 Mon Jul 11

That's the lager. Switch to something else and you'll notice the difference. Sometimes even swapping pints for bottles helps.

You're spot on though.

A lot of this well meaning sobriety stuff lately seems to come from America (and/or is aimed at addicts). Having a couple of drinks is part of our culture, its not the done thing for blokes to unwind watching sports or having a game of pool or whatever while drinking soda pops.

Syd Puddefoot 11:14 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
I also only partake of pot of strong coffee first thing and then no more unless i am perhaps driving. Read very recently that a couple of cups a day has some health benefits. Might help if the OP supplied the background as to why this is desirable.

Syd Puddefoot 11:11 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
"That’s true, nothing tastes as good as the first drink, which you are just trying to replicate." is extremely true, same as a cigarette to me recollection.

Razzle 10:58 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Remember beer makes your bird look good ;)

Gary Strodders shank 10:31 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Alcohol wise it does more damage to stop start (ie wkends dry January) than to drink evenly through the week.
I knew a tella who was regularly tested for alcohol /drugs at work so wouldn't touch a drop in the week but come Friday lunchtime would cane it big time through to Sunday lunch
He was diagnosed with hepatitis & cirrhosis ot the liver with the quack stating that binge drinking was to blame as the body never has time to adjust.
Most people diagnosed with liver issues through booze leave it off until they think its repaired itself and then go back on it not realising that in the end it wont repair no more.

Coffee 9:54 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine

simon.s 9:52 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Love a coffee though!

simon.s 9:51 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
That’s true, nothing tastes as good as the first drink, which you are just trying to replicate.

Done over two years now without a drink, and just come back from a weeks holiday, which included a concert out there, and went to a wedding on Saturday. These things would be unthinkable to me without booze a few years ago, but now it doesn’t really bother me. Might just be one of the best things I’ve ever done.

legrandefromage 9:23 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
The need of most of us to rely on stimulants is an interesting reflection on how we live our lives.

Personally, just have the one coffee each day, first thing in the morning. Caffeine is hardly regarded as a vice and cant see why it should be avoided unless you are consuming far too much or have a problem with caffeine.

Would agree that a small amount of alcohol is relaxing. Not sure I really enjoy the taste of most commercial beers which are excessively bland, especially when cold. Drinking is only for the effect. The first one of the day is the best, the second one you drink because you enjoyed the first one, any others are because you have lost all willpower.

goose 9:08 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
I did this a year or so ago just to see how it felt.
I don’t drink much alcohol so that wasn’t an issue. The caffeine however was horrible for a few days - massive headaches every morning.
It does pass though.

Did it for a month but didn’t feel any benefits so went back on the ristretto.

Manuel 7:54 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Sydney - That's right. I've heard it said that having a beer is ''going on the piss'' which is simply a retarded thing to say, looking down your nose at others. A few beers/spirits in the evening have been consumed for centuries by people from all walks of life and backgrounds as a favourite social pastime.

Like I say, I will never stop drinking beer as I enjoy it and can control it, and drink in moderation. Fuck being sober 24x7 in this fucking world.

Coffee 7:40 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Alcohol - no problem

Caffeine - big problem

Sydney_Iron 7:25 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
I only drink 1 coffee a day when I first get up so not sure any point trying to give that particular “vice” up!

As to the booze I maybe drink too much, well according to the “Experts” and their units per day bollocks, but fuck it I’m nearly 60 go to the gym nearly everyday and run about 5 times a week at a good pace so its not like im some lard arse couch potato knocking back bottles of Vodka, only really drink beer and IMHO it does have health benefits as well.

A few beers each night helps me relax and unwind and im sure that’s good for the mental health and as Manual says that state of jolliness is a pleasure in itself, doesn’t mean your staggering around about to vomit its just a nice feeling, very rarely if ever these days do I get pissed though! Weddings, funerals and days out at big sporting events are possible exceptions though………

Manuel 3:20 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
I would like to give up alcohol (beer) as I always feel rough the next day, been getting minor stomach aches of late, but I will never give up as having a beer is how I relax and wind down, and I like it when you start to get that 'jolly' feeling and everything in life seems to be better for a while, plus as said it also means a lifestyle change. I would never go out and just drink soft drinks, that's not for me and never was.

More of a tea man than coffee, or whatever you want to call it.

Browno22 1:05 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Lots of medical reasons Bruno. Gastritis, esophageal ulcers, insomnia, heart palpitations

Mad Dog 12:58 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
2 years ago I stopped drinking. Did a year off the sauce completely, now only drink on holiday or special occasions. Very very rarely.

There's some great non alchlohilic beers these days or I just stick to lemonade.

Never drank coffee or tea so can't help you there

bruuuno 12:53 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Tbh you have to change your lifestyle as well if giving up alcohol imo. Brew dog nanny state is a lovely drop.

I see the benefits of a coffee in the morning as outweighing any advantages in quitting by a Great margin so why quit. ?

Browno22 12:42 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
0.0 guinness is okay but a bit too sweet

Browno22 12:42 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Agree with fossil, adnams ghost ship is lovely

riosleftsock 12:40 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Alcohol free beer and decaf coffee give me terrible headaches.

If i don't want to drink alcohol, I have soda and lime (pubs) or tea (assam, red bull or berry tea) or controversially just tap water

fossil 12:33 Mon Jul 11
Re: Giving up alcohol and caffeine
Easier nowadays, beers like Heineken Zero and Adnam's Ghost Ship are in another league to the alcohol free piss from the past. Drinking Barbican in a pub was grim.

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